Results for «Mao Zedong»

The Marxists

52m 09s

Karl Marx was many things: philosopher, journalist, economist and historian. In many ways he was a modern renaissance man. His revolutionary ideas, though, are his legacy. They have literally changed the world. His far-reaching analyses and theories have inspired millions of people to become politically active. 2018 marks the 200th anniversary of his birthday. After the collapse of many socialist regimes Marx seemingly became less popular.

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Andy Warhol, Fluorescent

42m 37s

A documentary on the legendary creator and victim of pop art. Warhol, revolutionary and controversial, was never afraid to break the mold and reshape the reals of art, advertising, and directing. But who was the real man being behind the colors in which he hid? Was it the art or the fame that controlled and spawned his unique creativity? Sabbatical Entertainment takes an in-depth look at the life and works of Andy Warhol.

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